Monday 27 February 2012

No action on the allotment for the last few weeks, either because of the snow or because of the wet, so down to Columbia Road Market in Bethnal Green for a look around and a coffee and bagel. This picture shows the ratio of snooping to coffee and bagel.
At last last weekend, the sun shone and it is time to get back to the soil. Most of the broad beans have gone in, with suitable protection from the squirrels. The daffodils are starting to come through, but less than previous years. I am not sure if this because they are getting too tired, or set back by the weather. The broccoli is sprouting well, and went from plot to pot within an hour. Gardening Which have sent more seeds to trial, a chili and sweet peas, and these have been sown in the greenhouse.

These are from Benington Lordship Gardens, Hertfordshire, which is well known for its display of snowdrops and for growing different snowdrop forms .