Sunday 25 March 2012

Wonderful weather for the end of March, cannot help feeling this is very bad news in the long term. The plums are flowering. I have two ballerina type plums, one on which was badly affected by plum moth last year, so it will be out with pheromone traps in May. The broccoli are still producing well, and still sweet and tasty. More sweet peas are in, and more coming up in the greenhouse. I will see if if succession sowing is worth it, or if I will get vast amounts of flowers all at once as usual.

Sunday 11 March 2012

The soil is warming up, the weeds are sprouting and I have been taking this opportunity to hoe them as they come up. I am trying very hard to keep them down in the asparagus bed this year, there were too many mixed up with the mature asparagus last year. The beans are growing well with no losses so far, which indicates the January sowing might be the best for my allotment.

Beetroot Boltardy, french bean Cobra, sweet peas and lettuce Little Gem sown in the greenhouse for transplanting later on to the plot. I try to get a succession of beans and beetroot, and last year succeeded well into late summer for both. The biggest problem was finding space in the crowded plot for new seedlings later in the year.

Cannot resist putting in photos of the camellia from the front of the house which is the best ever.